How to plant grass seed on existing lawn?
Are you tired of having a patchy and uneven lawn that’s more weeds than grass? Do you want to transform your yard into a lush green oasis? Planting grass seed on an existing lawn can be the solution you’re looking for!
In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about how to plant grass seed on an existing lawn. Whether it’s fixing bare spots or trying to achieve a full-grown healthy lawn, we’ve got all the tips and tricks for you. Are you ready to take your landscaping game up a notch? Let’s get started!
Benefits of planting grass seed on existing lawn
If you’re looking to give your lawn a bit of an upgrade and want to plant some fresh grass instead of relying on sod, then you’ll want to consider planting grass seed.
Not only will this provide you with a greener and more natural look, but it will also improve the overall function and health of your lawn. Here are some of the benefits of planting grass seed on existing lawn:
-It will restore turfquit efficacy and productivity.
-It will add much-needed vitamins and minerals to the soil.
-It can help reduce allergy symptoms in people who have asthma.
-Grass seeds are specifically designed to grow in large amounts, so they can replace lost ground quickly.
Preparing your existing lawn for planting grass seed
There are many steps involved in preparing your existing lawn for planting grass seed. First, determine the type of grass you would like to plant. There are several varieties available that will grow in most soil types.
Once you have selected the type of grass, it is important to research the specific planting instructions for your specific variety. Some grasses require a pre-soil preparation before seeding while others can be planted directly into the ground.
After you understand the process of planting, it is time to prepare your lawn for seeding by removing any dead or diseased vegetation and raking/shoveling up any residual soil to a depth of 18 inches. Fertilize your lawn with a balanced fertilizer before seeding and Water thoroughly once seeds have been planted.
Grass will require water every week during the first 12 weeks after germination. Be patient with your new grass; it may take up to 3 months for roots to form and mature enough to support growth.
Choosing the right type of grass seed for your lawn
There are many types of grass seeds to choose from when planting grass on an existing lawn. Some popular options include perennial ryegrass, brown mow grass, and timothy hay. Before you choose a type of grass seed, it’s important to determine the slope of your lawn and the condition of the soil. Slope affects how much water your grass will need and the condition of the soil affects how quickly turfgrass will establish.
If you have a flat lawn, consider installing perennial ryegrass or creeping bentgrass as these varieties are well-suited for areas with low slopes. If your lawn has a moderate slope, install either Kentucky bluegrass or fescue as these varieties can handle more water than other types of grasses. For steep hills or soils that are difficult to work, consider applying tall fescue instead of a groundcover like annual ryegrass.
Once you’ve selected the type of grass seed suited for your lawn, it’s time to prepare the ground. Excavate a 1-2 inch depth and mix in desired amount of organic matter like compost or garden soil before filling in with sod or topsoil. Preparing the soil is key to success when seeding turfgrass as poorly prepared soil can lead to poor germination rates and weed Competition Worse than usual.
When is the best time to plant grass seed on an existing lawn?
There are a few factors to consider when planting grass seed on an existing lawn. Generally speaking, the earlier you plant grass seed, the better. However, there are a few things to keep in mind that can affect this decision:
Preparation: Before you plant your grass seed, make sure the ground is ready. Preparing your soil by adding organic matter and tilling it deep will help it hold water and support grass growth. You should also check for any pests or diseases that may be affecting your lawn before planting.
Soil Temperature: Once you have prepared the ground, consider the soil temperature. Most turfgrass species prefer soils that range from 58-86 degrees Fahrenheit (14-30 degrees Celsius). If your soil temperature is below 58 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius), you’ll want to wait until the weather warms up a bit before planting.
Above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius), turfgrass will not grow as well and may actually need to be transplanted. Note: Not all sod manufacturers provide information on specific soil temperatures required for different sod types; please consult your product’s datasheet or customer service representative for more information.
Day of Year: Another consideration is when to plant grass seed during the year. Generally speaking, most turfgrass species grow best between May and September in temperate climates, but individual plants may vary so always consult your turfgrass product’s datasheet or customer service representative for more specific information.
Different methods of planting grass seed on an existing lawn
There are a few different ways of planting grass seed on an existing lawn. You can either seed directly onto the soil or try to create seed beds first. It’s important to do some research before you start so you know which method will work better for your property and the type of grass you want to plant.
Seeding directly onto the soil is probably the easiest way to go, but it won’t help if the soil isn’t healthy enough or if there are any weeds present. Seed beds are a good option if you want to minimize weed growth, but they require a little more work than seeding directly onto the soil. You can use a hand seeder or a special grass seeder machine to make perfect rows of grass seeds.
Either way, it’s important to properly prepare your lawn surface before you plant. This includes removing any existing sod, tilling the ground well, and adding organic matter like compost or humus. Mulch is also an essential part of prepping your lawn for grass—it will help root zones stay moist and protect new turf from direct sunlight.
Mistakes to avoid when planting grass seed
Before you plant grass seed on an existing lawn, be sure to read the following tips:
-Make a divot in the center of the area to be seeded, and tuck the edge of the divot into the surrounding turf. This will help ensure even coverage of grass seed.
-Apply a light layer of fungicide or organic fertilizer to the soil surface before planting. These products help speed up germination and increase yields.
-Water well after planting, keeping pot pressure high enough so that moisture gathers in the root ball.
-Mow your new lawn several times during its first growing season toestablish a desired height and shape.
Tips for maintaining a healthy lawn after planting grass seed
- Start by repairing any damaged turf or soil. This will help to keep the new grass seed in place and provide a healthy surface for it to grow on.
- If your yard is completely bare, you will need to import some grass seed from a reputable source and mix it with water before putting it in the ground. The best time to do this would be during the late winter or early spring when there’s very little activity going on in the lawn area.
- Make sure that you follow all of the proper planting instructions provided by your grass seed supplier. Be sure to use a spreader when spreading the seed over the ground and wait 24 hours before mowing or fertilizing the lawn.
- Water your newly planted lawn regularly during the first few months of growth; don’t let it dry out completely. Once the plant has established itself, you can water less frequently but still make sure to give it ample hydration throughout the season.
Conclusion: Enjoy your beautiful new lawn!
If you have an existing lawn, or want to plant grass but don’t know how, follow these tips:
- Dig a hole at least twice the size of the seed you are planting, and as deep as the soil is deep.
- Spread a layer of organic matter over the hole before planting your seed. This will help keep the soil moist and promote good growth.
- Plant your seed only in areas that are free from objects that could snag it or break it off during germination (pumps and other tall structures are usually okay).
- Water your new grass often—a couple of times a day, especially during its first week or so—to help it establish itself quickly and avoid any struggles with weeds.
James is a passionate writer and gardener with years of experience in home gardening. He is the author of several articles and blog posts on, a platform where he shares his expertise and love for plants and gardening with the world.